PyTorch — An attempt to explain about Tensors

I have been learning and implementing Deep Learning models using Keras Framework. Recently, a friend of mine shared his work on GitHub from the course that he is been attending and mentioned they use PyTorch to build and train neural networks. That is when I started exploring PyTorch and I found that PyTorch makes it […]

Snowflake — A Cloud Database

I have worked with many traditional databases like Oracle, Teradata, SQL server they have been a essential component in any enterprise technology stack. Snowflake is a new entry to the databases however, unlike any other traditional databases they are hosted on cloud and is been trending among enterprises these days. They are used in tandem […]

Introduction to AI

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is changing the way we work and live . So, lets see what Artificial Intelligence is? AI is typically defined as the ability of a machine to perform cognitive functions we associate with human minds, such as perceiving, reasoning, learning, interacting with the environment, problem solving, and even exercising creativity.  According to a study by McKinsey Global Institute, AI is estimated to create an additional 13 trillion US dollars of value annually by the year 2030. Even though AI is already creating tremendous amounts of […]